Friday, May 14, 2021

Hey fellas!So recently I’ve been trying to take on a more cartoon style when drawing. I’ve been...


Hey fellas!

So recently I’ve been trying to take on a more cartoon style when drawing. I’ve been doing my best to do more unique shillouettes and exaggerated body proportions (love drawing me some lanky string bean men)

I was hoping to get some help with the hands (aren’t we all) and ideas on how to push the limits of the whole cartoon style and break free from the sort of anime style rut I’ve been stuck in for the past few years.

Thank you all so much!!!

(Original by @ dandelionblade )

What an excellent piece of art! I really love how clean and dynamic this is! 

With regards to what you mentioned - hands and pushing the cartoon style instead of the anime one, here’s what I’ve got for you:

I also made a couple of close-up illustrations to make some things a bit more clear, such as the arm lengths and what I changed:

As for the hand - because I didn’t include it in the redline - I recommend taking a photo of your OWN hand and then tracing that drawing so that you have a base to work off of!

Looking at the realistic hand and comparing it to the cartoony one, you can see a few things, specifically how much the fingers are all bending in altering directions, and how the pinky is a bit overextended. 

It’s always a good idea, even in cartoons, to set a baseline of realism so that you know you’re bending and stretching it in a balanced manner. :)

- Mod Chekhov

from The Redline Station

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Do you have any tips for drawing unique speech bubbles? I'm having trouble figuring out how to draw different tones of voices and moods.

For this ask, I’d like to start with a common linguistic experiment. 

Please check out the following shapes!


If I told you that one of these shapes is called ‘bouba’ and the other is called ‘kiki’, which name would you assign to each shape? Don’t overthink this - there isn’t a ‘right’ answer. 

However, there IS a very strong association in the English language (and most other related languages) between specific sounds and specific shapes. We have been more or less trained to associate not only specific consonants (b and k) with rounder or sharper shapes, we have also been trained to ‘read’ tone through speech bubbles. 

For the shapes above - most people who speak English or an Indo-European language as their first language will name the spiky one ‘kiki’ and the round one ‘bouba’. Shapes matter to us - they reinforce the sound and tone and feeling with the words associated inside! This concept will be the baseline for you when creating ANY speechbubble shapes.

Shapes and sounds and tone are inherently connected, and you already know about it, even if you don’t realize it consciously!

Take the speech bubbles below - does anything seem off about it?


The rounder speech bubble can pass because it’s the most ‘basic’ one and we can associate it with pretty much any form of speech, but the gentler tone of the words in the first one clashes with how sharp and spiky it is. These are the things you must consider when you create speech bubbles for any comic. 

Here’s a a basic guide to speech bubbles found in manga that you may be able to recognize automatically:


Now, you specifically mentioned drawing ‘unique’ speech bubbles. What does that mean?

I can’t quite understand your intent: Do you want your speech bubbles to be unique to your comic? Do you want a shape that closely relates to what the characters are saying? Is there a specific type of speech bubble you want to create for a type of speech - speech coming through the radio that’s static-riddled, or the speech or a robot, or the scream of a demonic entity that’s just broken through the skin of our world from within its own? 

I’d recommend thinking about the following as you draw:

1 - What is the tone of the character speaking? Does their speech need to be sharp and eye-drawing, or is it soft, and rounded out?

2 - What is the style of your comic? What shapes would fit better with your backgrounds? What would match the lineart you use? 

3 - Do you want the speech-bubbles to stand out and catch the reader’s attention, or would you rather they fit more naturally in with the rest of your drawings, in order to create more of a balance? 

I’ll leave you with the following infograph, just for fun and to give you some ideas, in case you aren’t quite decided or need more inspiration:

- Mod Chekhov

from The Redline Station

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Hey Redliners! New mods have been taken in, and are getting comfortable with the team. We thank...

Hey Redliners!
New mods have been taken in, and are getting comfortable with the team. We thank everyone who applied. Those of you who were picked to join the team have recieved an email from our staff. To those who unfortunately weren’t picked to join the team - we encourage you to apply next time we look for staff, but thank you from the bottom of our hearts for you sharing your portfolios with us!

TheRedLineStation will be back with more content very soon!

- Mod Wackart

from The Redline Station

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Hey Redline! New mods will be taken on within the week, after which you should start seeing posts...

Hey Redline!
New mods will be taken on within the week, after which you should start seeing posts coming out regularly again for a time!

Hope you’re all having a good week!

- Mod Wackart

from The Redline Station

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Mod applications has closed! Hey everyone! Applications for moderator positions are now closed....

Mod applications has closed!

Hey everyone!
Applications for moderator positions are now closed. I’ll be wrapping up some exam work and general work-related stuff over the new week or so, but after that - I will return to pick the applicants along with the other team :)

Hope you have a good one !

- mod wackart

from The Redline Station

Thursday, March 4, 2021

theredlinestation:The RedLine Team is happy to announce the opening of its own public Discord...


The RedLine Team is happy to announce the opening of its own public Discord server!

The RedLine Server serves as a place to chat amongst other artists, receive advice and critiques from the whole server, and be a friendly community to come chill inside.

Please make sure to read through all the rules and introduce yourself when joining, but remember to have fun!

Hi all! As a brief announcement, the Discord will be holding a Spring Art Exchange! πŸ’πŸŒΌπŸŒ·

Applications are currently being accepted and we will match people up early next week. Participants anonymously draw for their match and then receive art from a surprise gifter. Everyone reveals themselves and posts their art on the Gift Day.

New and current Discord members are all welcome to participate! Applications will be open until Sunday, March 7. You will have about a month to get your match and draw your piece before we exchange. Information and links for the exchange can be found in our dedicated exchange channels. We would like to have an exchange with each season, but the art does not necessarily have to be seasonally-themed.

This a great opportunity to join our Discord if you’ve been eyeing it for a while. As always, please read our server rules before anything else.

Keep an eye out for an upcoming post showcasing the wonderful art we shared for our previous Winter Exchange!

from The Redline Station

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Mod applications closing next week!

Hey everyone! 
We’re still working on getting everything prepared for queueing. We got a lot of interesting posts coming up along with a bunch of redlines. 

But i’m writing to let you know that i’ll close for mod-applications Wednesday at midnight next week. So remember to get your applications to our mailbox before then :) 

- Mod Wackart 

from The Redline Station

Hey fellas!So recently I’ve been trying to take on a more cartoon style when drawing. I’ve been...

Hey fellas! So recently I’ve been trying to take on a more cartoon style when drawing. I’ve been doing my best to do more unique shilloue...