If redlining art seems like a fun and fulfilling experience for you, then you can apply to be one of the artists on the team! A Redline Artist will look at the submission box, choose an art piece that they feel comfortable redlining, draw their corrections on top of it, and then post it to the blog alongside the original. They can also reblog useful art reference posts to the blog or create tutorials and post them here!
This is a volunteer position, meaning that you will not be paid, and it means that your obligations to the blog are also voluntary. There’s no minimum-posts-per-month. If you apply and get in, you can redline whenever you have the time to do so, since you are the one offering up your advice for free.
In order to apply to be a Redline Artist, you have to have some prior experience in art. Read on if you think you might be interested!
You must be at least 18 years old
You need to have a tumblr account
You need to have made at least 6 drawings/illustrations in the past 12 months.
In order to see if you’re a good fit for the Redline team, it would help us if you were to send us some examples of your work in an email. Please read the below instructions carefully - although your ability to read instructions does not make you a worse or better artist, it does help us decide whether you should be trusted to politely and maturely critique someone’s work.
If this all sounds good to you, here’s how to apply!
Please send us…
A link to your tumblr where you have plenty of your drawings posted (doesn’t have to be your art tumblr, it can be personal, but make sure we can easily find your drawings)
What area of expertise you feel is your strongest point (gesture drawings, cartoony things, realistic landscapes, etc)
At least 3 ATTACHED examples of your work, including…
A full-body drawing of a human
A full-body drawing of any kind of animal
A realistic drawing/sketch or study of something (traditional or digital) to show that you have a grasp on ‘baseline’ anatomy. (Read below for details)
Your redline of ONE of the following drawings:
Attach examples of your art AND a redline of one of the drawings above, and…
*please write your tumblr username in the email subject!
At the moment we are also branching out into things like Twitter and YouTube, so your willingness to help out in those fields will also help out a lot! (However, this is in no way a requirement to apply, it’s just a nice thing to mention if you happen to have an interest in it.)
F. A Q.
Q: Do my example drawings all have to be realism?
A: No, not at all! They could be semi-realism or be leaning more towards an anime style or a cartoony style. However, they should show that you understand how the baseline anatomy works. So for example, drawing something like Jake from Adventure Time would NOT be good for showing us whether or not you can draw a dog. But if you wanted to draw Tramp from Lady and the Tramp, that would be adequate.
Q: Why do I have to include realism in my examples? That’s not my usual style.
A: Although we all have specific styles we fall back on, because this position requires the ability to help people with “standard” anatomy, we would like to know that you can go back to basics and give them help that is broad-range and applicable across a variety of media.
Q: Do the drawings have to be full-color?
A: No! They can be black and white or cleaned up sketches. As long as we can see it clearly, you’re good.
Q: Do all my example drawings have to be from the last 12 months?
A: Nope! You can send us older examples. The only thing we ask is that you have drawn SOMETHING in the last 12 months. They don’t all have to match the description of the examples.
Q: Can my examples be nsfw?
A: The examples can have artistic nudity, but please don’t send us examples of porn.
Q: Does my redline need comments?
A: Nope, just the redline is fine! We just want to see an example of how you should adjust/critique the work if you were to become a mod.
Q: What increases my chances of becoming a mod?
A: Being positive, professional, and putting your best foot forward!
Q: I sent an application email to the blog before and didn’t get accepted. Should I reapply?
So, what are you waiting for?
Send all emails to: theredlinestation@gmail.com (emails to the old submission address will be ignored). We will review your application over the next few weeks and reply to your inquiry by our decided deadline.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/2P0pEbb
If redlining art seems like a fun and fulfilling experience for you, then you can apply to be one of the artists on the team! A Redline Artist will look at the submission box, choose an art piece that they feel comfortable redlining, draw their corrections on top of it, and then post it to the blog alongside the original. They can also reblog useful art reference posts to the blog or create tutorials and post them here!
This is a volunteer position, meaning that you will not be paid, and it means that your obligations to the blog are also voluntary. There’s no minimum-posts-per-month. If you apply and get in, you can redline whenever you have the time to do so, since you are the one offering up your advice for free.
In order to apply to be a Redline Artist, you have to have some prior experience in art. Read on if you think you might be interested!
You must be at least 18 years old
You need to have a tumblr account
You need to have made at least 6 drawings/illustrations in the past 12 months.
In order to see if you’re a good fit for the Redline team, it would help us if you were to send us some examples of your work in an email. Please read the below instructions carefully - although your ability to read instructions does not make you a worse or better artist, it does help us decide whether you should be trusted to politely and maturely critique someone’s work.
If this all sounds good to you, here’s how to apply!
Please send us…
A link to your tumblr where you have plenty of your drawings posted (doesn’t have to be your art tumblr, it can be personal, but make sure we can easily find your drawings)
What area of expertise you feel is your strongest point (gesture drawings, cartoony things, realistic landscapes, etc)
At least 3 ATTACHED examples of your work, including…
A full-body drawing of a human
A full-body drawing of any kind of animal
A realistic drawing/sketch or study of something (traditional or digital) to show that you have a grasp on ‘baseline’ anatomy. (Read below for details)
Your redline of ONE of the following drawings:
Attach examples of your art AND a redline of one of the drawings above, and…
*please write your tumblr username in the email subject!
At the moment we are also branching out into things like Twitter and YouTube, so your willingness to help out in those fields will also help out a lot! (However, this is in no way a requirement to apply, it’s just a nice thing to mention if you happen to have an interest in it.)
F. A Q.
Q: Do my example drawings all have to be realism?
A: No, not at all! They could be semi-realism or be leaning more towards an anime style or a cartoony style. However, they should show that you understand how the baseline anatomy works. So for example, drawing something like Jake from Adventure Time would NOT be good for showing us whether or not you can draw a dog. But if you wanted to draw Tramp from Lady and the Tramp, that would be adequate.
Q: Why do I have to include realism in my examples? That’s not my usual style.
A: Although we all have specific styles we fall back on, because this position requires the ability to help people with “standard” anatomy, we would like to know that you can go back to basics and give them help that is broad-range and applicable across a variety of media.
Q: Do the drawings have to be full-color?
A: No! They can be black and white or cleaned up sketches. As long as we can see it clearly, you’re good.
Q: Do all my example drawings have to be from the last 12 months?
A: Nope! You can send us older examples. The only thing we ask is that you have drawn SOMETHING in the last 12 months. They don’t all have to match the description of the examples.
Q: Can my examples be nsfw?
A: The examples can have artistic nudity, but please don’t send us examples of porn.
Q: Does my redline need comments?
A: Nope, just the redline is fine! We just want to see an example of how you should adjust/critique the work if you were to become a mod.
Q: What increases my chances of becoming a mod?
A: Being positive, professional, and putting your best foot forward!
Q: I sent an application email to the blog before and didn’t get accepted. Should I reapply?
So, what are you waiting for?
Send all emails to: theredlinestation@gmail.com (emails to the old submission address will be ignored). We will review your application over the next few weeks and reply to your inquiry by our decided deadline.
We look forward to hearing from you soon!
from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/2ZtJpd7
Hey anon!
No, no submissions from before will be deleted on the basis of the new rules. Submissions made before the new update will be subject to the rules under which they were submitted ( ie. the old rules )
- Mod wackart
from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/2NFuGZM
Hello, chums and chummies!
So here’s the update I promised you guys some days ago.
As the title says, the RedLineStation has had a small update to both the team and the look of the blog as well ( on top of some changes to our ToS which I will cover beneath ).
We are now a few years into this blog-endeavour, and as such, things needed a bit of optimizing to make sure that the blog could run as smoothly as possible. We’ve been through so many submissions, asks and whatnot with you guys in the past, opened new ventures, and closed some again. So for the sake of overview: here is the rundown of what’s been happening behind the curtains.
The RedLineStation staff is now divided into two teams, working on two different platforms.
As some of you may know, we have had a discord up and running for a while now. This discord is a community-hub for our followers, where they can give and recieve feedback from each other. There has also been a few fun events going on in there lately. You can find an invitation link to this discord in our navbar at the blog!
As such, this new division has meant that an update to the staff-page was needed. Now, you will find that the page is divided into two subsections. One displaying the staff of the blog team ( the team that runs this particular blog ), and one running the discord server.
If a mod is listed on one team however, it does not mean that they can’t appear on the other platform in some capacity. But, at large it means that they are more likely to be “guesting” said platform, rather than being a fixed member of staff on the specific team. This has been done to seperate the teams in terms of agency. Meaning that one team of staff can take adminstrative action independently from the other. Preventing that one team will have to wait for another in decisionmaking.
At large, the platforms share the same values and ideas, however, rules for each platform is different from the other, due to the differing contexts. So please, when you join your discord, or if you happen to bleed from our discord onto our blog - READ THE RULES and the ToS attached to said platform before use.
Right now, we are not that many running the blog, and as is - I am the one most involved in the progress, though, we need more hands to keep functioning the way we do - which is why staff applications will probably open soon! So stay tuned if you want to be part of the RLS blog staff.
F.A.Q. has been updated!
In lieu with updated guidelines on tumblr, and generally in regards to our usual faire - the F.A.Q. has been updated.
Particularly, you’ll find that we now have a TUTORIAL VAULT. In here, you will find a collection of all the material we have made as answers to asks in regards to artistry. This page will be updated as we go, but probably in larger chunks, so make sure to check in every once in a while to make sure that your potential ask/question hasn’t been asked before.
As is with the depressing turn of events that was tumblr’s porn-ban we’ve had to update our rules about the likes of nudity and NSFW themes. None of us are particularly happy about the ban, but unfortunately, as it stands; if we want our content to stay and our blog to remain unfettered by the strict bots, we have to comply with the new guidelines. Therefore, it is crucial that you get familiar with tumblrs guidelines for NSFW content before you post to RLS. If we recieve content that does not comply with the guidelines of tumblr itself, we are - regretably, forced to delete this submission. As publishing it will lead to censorship.
However, like a tiny candlelight at the end of the tunnel - our discord server offers a little less strict moderation of NSFW content. Here, artistic nudity is allowed, for one.
I recommend you guys pop into the server and take a look at the rules there if you want advice for a potentially NSFW piece of work.
As part of optimizing the workflow for our staff, the submission rules has been updated. You can find them in our F.A.Q but particularly on the BEFORE YOU SUBMIT! page.
As per the new update: submitters can only specify one(1) thing that they wish to have critiqued. This is in large part due to the workload that one submission demands. Some of our artists make a passes on a submission for each point of critique, which means that multiple points of critique will result in multiple passes - which then in turn means that said artists ends up spending a whole lot of time on certain pieces, while some, those with much fewer points of critique, take much less.
Cutting time on the individual RedLine will help us get more efficient in handling our submission-loads, and hopefully make the critiques more focused than they would have been otherwise.
The feedback blog wants feedback!
As we’re entering a new era for RLS, the multi-platform era: This tumblr-blog is running under the management of fewer people. This, while perhaps a bit chaotic in the beginning, has given us a new chance at defining the content that comes up on the blog, and how we - through the blog, will interact with you guys.
Asks and redlines are of course still part of the faire here on RedLineStation. But we’re looking outward to you guys, hoping you’ll let us know if you wish to see anything particular on the blog. Be it events, mod appearances, particular ressources or the sort. Let us know what you think the RedLineStation blog needs, and we’ll take it to discussion!
What happens now?
The team will be focusing their attention on getting the askbox and drafts emptied. You will probably see new content crop up soon enough as we clear up the things we have sitting around, waiting to be published. This means that it might be a while before we open up for submissions again. Additionally, it also means that any asks that partake to art-advice coming in as of tonight, will be deleted. We will make a statement when we’re ready to take in new material. For now: only questions about the mods, the blog itself and feedback for the blog from you guys is allowed in our inbox!
Please have patience as we work to prepare for a new submission-launch, thank you!
We hope to see you on RLS!
And we hope this update will launch us into a new, reinvigorated era of RedLineStation.
Stay tuned for staff-calls to open up soon!
- Mod Wackart and the RLS blog team.
from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/37rUiR8