Monday, April 1, 2019

hey i have a quick question, do y'all think it's necessarily a bad thing to not have a consistent art style?

Not at all!!

Listen, we all do art differently, and for some folks, that means developing a consistent art style which they become accustomed to using for their art. A consistent art style is like short cuts that an artist will rely back on as a way to make redrawing the same character, props, or backgrounds over and over again easier for them.

And yet, you could even say that some folks with a distinct art style are not always super consistent with what they draw.

A way to boost your consistency when drawing specific characters might be to create a model sheet. Basically, create a reference of a character for EXACTLY how you want to make sure they are always drawn.

But if you are someone who is not constantly consistent, then I think what’s usually happening is: your art is continuing to grow. You keep finding new ways to draw, to paint, to do whatever it is you’re doing! And that should be exciting since that means you’re improving in small ways each time!

Maybe it’s less “improvement” and instead you’re looking for something “fresher”. You’re adopting styles and ideas from other sources around you and wanting to add them in. That’s fine, and I think that’s fun when you’re drawing for the sake of enjoying yourself.

In the end, you may result in finding yourself a style you stick to, but I don’t think you should necessarily limit yourself to try and hone something in. Let your style develop naturally on its own as you improve your art, change different ideas and concepts, adopt characteristics from styles you adore, and eventually when you’re producing art for yourself, your art style may peek through there a bit.

-Mod Em

from The Redline Station

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