Saturday, April 20, 2019

Y'all do some amazing work!! The posts I've seen so far are already super handy to keep in mind! I do have a quick question though, any tips for someone who's got an art block? I get vague ideas of what I want to draw, but I keep drawing the same pose a million times 😵

Art blocks can hit everyone for numerous reasons. 
We have a few threads on motivation and how to help yourself keeping a healthy approach to your craft. Most of the time all an art-block need is time and new inspirations, so don’t be too afraid of your muse suddenly slipping away for good. 

If you keep drawing the same pose over and over, it sounds like you’ve grown complacent in your routine, and is ready to go hog-wild with some new, experimental stuff. Consider getting new tools and materials ( Doesn’t have to be expensive, can be ground coffee beans or shaving foam, you decide. Just take your artistry elsewhere for a while. ) You can also try to expand your know-how on posing by trying out croquis and master studies, to try and shed the stagnating habit. 

On posing: 

Idle posing
Dynamic posing
Wireframe croquis generator
Image croquis generator 

More reading on motivation: 

Staying motivated
Pre-requisites of a productive day
Dealing with perfectionism

- mod Wackart ( ko-fi )

from The Redline Station

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