Sunday, August 11, 2019

Do you know any good resources/references for historically accurate clothing? Like... I have a couple characters from ancient Egypt and I want to draw them in proper clothing, but if I look up "Ancient Egypt clothes/fashion" all I get are those cheesy looking Halloween costumes 🙄

I think the best thing you can do when looking for specifics is stay out of google images! instead do research! By simply doing a simple google search of “what did people wear in Ancient Egypt” i found some pretty good historical resources (as long as your not writing an academic research paper or something wikipedia is your best friend)

for other clothing and fashion resources I strongly recommend ‘The Ultimate Fashion History’ youtube Chanel 

and the ‘Getting Dresses’ Series from crowseyeproductions on youtube

hope this helps -Mod Todd (ko-fi)

from The Redline Station

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