Friday, October 11, 2019

how does someone loosen up with art? i've been trying to do art, but wheer i do it, i get caught up on guidelines or if this anatomically correct and ive just become depressed because i just keep tying myself into knots

I feel like this is something every artist has gone through or is currently going through, so don’t worry you are not alone!

What really helped me start to loosen up with art is Gesture drawing! Theres nothing looser than gesture! 

 heres an example from Proko!


(his lesson on gesture:

do gesture practice with 15 or 30 second time limit with people or even house hold objects like a lamp or a couch

your drawings DO NOT have to be clean like Proko or many of the examples you see of gesture drawing on the internet when you first start. Gesture practice is for learning not displaying on your wall (you can throw them out immediately if you want)

I actually encourage you to be messy and scribbly with these drawings make them a mess and ugly but find the rhythm and gesture in the poses or object your drawing and FOLLOW THE TIME LIMIT!

An exercise like this will help you draw loose and the time constraint will help stop you from getting lost in the details or ‘rightness’ of what your drawing

have fun and remember its not about he end result of the drawing its about the experience! 

here are some examples from The Natural Way To Draw by Kimon Nicolaides (PDF FREE) Its a great art book! maybe a little dated in the language and suggested mediums but the exercises are great for building those art brain muscles!

“You should draw not what the thing looks like, not even what it is, but what it is doing” (Nicolaides,31)

These things also just get better with time, practice and patience! so keep drawing and you’ll be just fine! 

More Resources: 

Good video explaining more on this exercise from sycra on youtube:

Aaron Blaise talking about the importance of drawing loose in animation:

hope this helps! -Mod Todd (ko-fi)

from The Redline Station

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