Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Do you have any advice for maintaining a celebrity's likeness in a drawing without compromising your art style? When I try to draw real people they look completely different from how they should be and my art style ends up totally skewed as well. Thanks in advance!

This is a tough skill to develop! but with some hard work and research you’ll be able to do it!!!

 My recommendation is to study professional caricature! Even if the end goal isn’t to do exaggerated crazy portraits of the the celebrity, studying the art form can help you learn to apply those concepts more subtly in your own style! 

The key element of caricature is studying a persons face and looking for what makes them unique or different from the ‘standard’ anatomical face model, eg how do their proportions stray away form the ‘rules’.

once you take note of these things experiment by exaggerating them in different ways through quick thumbnail sketches 


thumbnails by Court Jones for Proko.com

They might not look like the person right away but keep experimenting! trial and error is your friend!!!

(for more info on Caricature the Proko youtube channel has a whole in depth series by Court Jones the artist above!  I  Highly recommend checking it out and the other lecture series the channel!)

Once you have done this research you can apply it to your style and design the celebrity just like the design team on Netflix’s BoJack Horseman designed Character actress Margo Martindale! She and many other celebrity cameo’s on the show look like themselves but also like they belong in the world of the show!


The final thought I want to leave you with is: don’t worry too much about art style or let it get in the way of learning new ways to draw. There is a lot of pressure on the internet to find your own unique art style and have everything be consistent all the time but this thinking can actually get in the way of your artistic growth if you focus on it too much or to early. 

I Personally dont care about consistency at all in my art, I design the style of the drawing based on the project (eg. am I  going to animate this character, is it an illustration, what age group am I targeting? what Genre? if you want to see examples of this I have plenty on my instagram)

I have a lot of feelings on the topic of art styles but I dont want this post to be essay length or take me a week to write so please watch this video by Kesh on youtube about it : Stop Trying to Find Your Art Style He talks about this issue way more clearly and concisely then I ever could!

Hope this Helps!!! 

-Mod Todd (ko-fi) 

from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/2O1Q8WH

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