Friday, November 15, 2019

Hello! I would like to know if my character’s anatomy is alright and how to draw the rest of her...


Hello! I would like to know if my character’s anatomy is alright and how to draw the rest of her arms. Thank you!


Your style is pretty uniform and consistent, so I’ve attributed a lot of the anatomical abstractions to be part of your style. But I found three small things that might improve your build a little. 

Now it could be because the character’s neck is hidden behind the cheek-fluff, but it should connect to the back of the skull, rather than dead-centre. This is a common mistake. 
Depending on the length and size of your character’s tail, it would be more or less obscured since we’re seeing them from a pretty forward angle. If the character’s tail is large, it is possible that you would be able to catch a glimpse of it, but it should be very subtle. ( I also moved it up a little higher on the character to match with where the pelvis on the redline is, animal tails usually sit on “top” of it, at the base of the spine ). 

Since the skirt obscures where her pelvis actually starts, I mapped it out somewhere above the dip of the “shirt”-part, which would mean that the knees had to sit just beneath the edge of the skirt. 


In overall, it’s a really good drawing, and your style is really clean and cute. If I had to recommend anything for further progress, it would be to be clearer in illustrating the different parts of your character’s body underneath the layers of clothing they are wearing. ( I pointed this out with the pelvis-placement bit ). This will make your character read a lot clearer, and help you construct your character more precisely. 

As for arms, I didn’t want to invade your piece through my subjective expectation of how the arms should work ( since you haven’t given any indication on what you wanted the arms to do ) So I went for a default posture which you can then alternate as needed. 

I can recommend our other posts about arm-anatomy:

- Mod wackart ( ko-fi )

from The Redline Station

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