Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Hello there! This is some fan art that I did a while ago. 1)What I really wanted to do with this was...


Hello there! This is some fan art that I did a while ago. 1)What I really wanted to do with this was make it look like you are viewing him slightly from above. I didn’t really manage to capture that, so I’d like that to be a focus in the redline. 2)The pose itself also feels a bit awkward, he’s supposed to be holding his hands out and slightly forward and be taking a step towards the viewer. Thanks for your help in advance :)

Submitted by meower808

I may have overshot the perspective in this one, but the logic is the same. I think overall your proportions are good, they just need to be pushed farther. 

You may also think about the coil method for perspective. Here’s another post that covers that:

Basically the idea is you treat the body like anything else. When you look up at a building, the top is smaller than the bottom (farther v. closer). When you look down at a person, the head is larger than the feet (closer/farther). 

-Mod Future (ko-fi)

from The Redline Station

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