Saturday, July 25, 2020

Any tips on cartoony stuff? I've gotten better at drawing what I want from my art class, but their main focus is not really the type of art I'm interested in. It's helped a bit, but I feel I still need to inprove. Branch off from where I am now, ya know. Art is supposed to make you happy and it is, but I feel if I improve a bit more, it'll greatly help me with starting animation in the future.

It is great that you are seeing improvement from your art classes! 
We always need to improve, and branching out is a great way of doing so. Really hope you can get into animation in the near future! 

We’ve had some posts regarding cartoony stuff ( + semi realism ) here’s the links:

Designins a comic style

A quick word on cartoony styles

Simplifying details for non-realistic styles

Heads in cartooning

Integrating anatomy into unrealistic art styles

- mod wackart

from The Redline Station

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Hey fellas!So recently I’ve been trying to take on a more cartoon style when drawing. I’ve been...

Hey fellas! So recently I’ve been trying to take on a more cartoon style when drawing. I’ve been doing my best to do more unique shilloue...