Tuesday, July 21, 2020

I dont know how to word this, but how would you draw someone trying to hide/mask a certain emotion with a different one. like, for example, they're trying to look completely fine or even happy, but really they are super uncomfortable or stressed

There’s a handful of very minute details one can pay attention to when it comes to reading emotions in other people. Some are more subtle than others. Some are the mere hints of tension or a lack thereof in a person’s face. 
These subtle details are what you are going to want to look out for if you want to combine emotions in order to mask one with the other. 

Here’s the basic stuff: 





These two ladies are feeling two very different emotions right now. How can we tell? Well the happy lady on top is smiling. The lines under her eyes tells us that she has scrunched her lids up from the tension in her cheeks - caused by her smile. This is ‘usually’ an indicator of a legitimate smile. We see how her brows are lifted up into an almost flat arch, and how her nostrils have dilated as a result of the smile too. This is a ‘real’ smile. 

Underneath is a lady who looks rather frustrated at her phone. Aside from the telling handgesture, we can tell that she is frustrated by the show of her teeth in her snarl, though - unlike the smile on top, this snarl shows more of the teeth on her lower jaw than that on top. This usually indicates that the tension is going towards her jaw and throat. 
Meanwhile, her nostrils are scrunged up, drawing lines from themselves to the corners of her lips. 
The lines under her eyes are arched downward, in due to the fact that her eyebrows are also scrunched together and pressing down against the bridge of her nose. 
This woman, clearly is, angry. 

When we mix: 



When mixing emotions it can be suprisingly difficult to figure out which traits to bring where, and how to balance it out. You probably already know that you’re supposed to mix the distinct traits of the emotions you want to combine together. But how to ration it out? 

For the most part, an abundance of traits from one emotion will make that the underlying emotion ( ie. the emotion the character’s trying to hide ) the ‘true’ emotion. While the emotion of the traits in minority will be those which the character is using to cover up their underlying emotion. This can take a bit of fiddling to get right. Additionally, combiantion of these telltale traits can also read differently from character to character, depending on their general behaviour and design. So be ready to experiment. 

Let’s mix some very basic veiled emotions together on some completely basic characters.  


This guy is trying to hide a sense of suprise or fear. He is doing this by putting on a smile, though - as we can see by the lines under his eyes, it doesn’t reach them at all. The tension in his cheeks are still diverted into his jaw. 
Add to this a dramatic arch of the brows to convey the fear and you’ve gotten a pretty conflicted look going already.

 Additionally: you could flare up the nostrils and draw the line between that and the corner of his mouth, to convey even more dread. 


This character’s exhausted. she’s barely able to keep her eyes open at this point. Her brows are arched upwards in a vain attempt to keep her eyes open. Though she is trying her damnest to stay focused and interested in her conversing companion by offering him up the tiniest smile. 

Once again, the lines under the eyes tell us a good bit about the emotion conveyed. The straight, plentyful and bold lines indicate that her cheeks are pressing up against her eyes, as is a common tick for us when we get tired. 

Additionally: you can add lines on the forehead to convey a deep frown, adding even more exhaustion to the character. 


This guy’s under some kind of pressure. Maybe he’s trying to feign strength, or he’s inches away from punching you in the face. Who knows. 

The tight smile cobbled with the downward lines under his eyes, and the ‘confident’ composition of the eyebrows makes for a very mixed bag of emotions. The smile becomes threatening when set in the context of the other,  features. 

Additionally: you could enlarge the eyes even more to convey even more tension, make him look like he’s that much closer to whack you. 

I’ve done a little bit of writing on emotions as a whole, and how to convey them in illustration, perhaps there’s a few useful cues for you in those as well. 




Mod Vain made some too! 

- Mod Wackart ( ko-fi

from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/3jsvFbu

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