Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Hi! I drew this sketch of the blue doll room from the game “Ib”...

Hi! I drew this sketch of the blue doll room from the game “Ib” where i tried to make the big creature on top look intimidating and frightening, while the little doll should be creepy. I tried to do a fish lens perspective, but i feel like the perspective is wrong, especially the little doll. It also feels like there’s something missing composition-wise. So it would be really great if i could get help on the perspective and composition!

I did this in 3 parts - the first is dissecting what, specifically, is registering as ‘wrong’ when we look at it. :) 


Here’s my take on how it COULD be fixed (keep in mind, there are several other alternatives - you could also make the creature a focal point.)


And as a final note regarding other elements:


Hope that helps, and happy fish-eye-lens-ing! This drawing is a great idea, and I love the concept you’ve come up with, and I really think with a few tweaks to fix the alternating distortion is will come together into something truly horrifying. :D

- Mod Chekhov ( @thechekhov​ )

(submitted by @venelyx )

from The Redline Station

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