Saturday, August 15, 2020

Submission Opening Today!

Hello Everyone, our Submission Box will be opening in less than an hour! (1600 UTC Use this to convert to your Timezone)

How do I submit my art?

When we open submissions, you will be able to go into the blog from PC or mobile and click the SUBMIT button on the blog. This button will not be available until the aforementioned time, so you cannot see it right now. Don’t panic.

What can I submit?

Please CLICK HERE and re-read our submission guidelines!

Submit a piece that you think needs the most help in a specific area, that way you can get the most out of the redline process! We discourage time-sensitive redlines, as there is no guarantee your submission will be worked on first. If you do not follow submission guidelines, you will be contacted to re-submit and your original submission deleted.

We will make another announcement once we open, and another stating when we’ve closed. Looking forward to seeing all your work! 

-Mod Future

from The Redline Station

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Hey fellas!So recently I’ve been trying to take on a more cartoon style when drawing. I’ve been...

Hey fellas! So recently I’ve been trying to take on a more cartoon style when drawing. I’ve been doing my best to do more unique shilloue...