Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Hi! I love this blog so much, thanks for all you do!! I did this drawing a bit ago, and I really...


Hi! I love this blog so much, thanks for all you do!! I did this drawing a bit ago, and I really like how it turned out, but something about the pose feels off… if you could help me out with the pose and help it feel more natural? Also, if it’s not too much to ask, could I also get some tips on how to draw shoes! Thanks so much in advance!

Submitted by @dragonseekerart

Hey! This is a really cool drawing! I especially like the details on the clothes, good job on that!

The things that don’t feel right with the pose are its stiffness and the perspective. To make the pose less rigid, draw a wall and make the character lean against it, consequently making the pose feel more natural and less stiff.


A note for the hands: give them a better structure, thus avoiding that “boneless” effect.

If you were aiming to give your character claw-hands, I’d recommend you to check out, for example, Aku from Samurai Jack or the Demon form Disney Fantasia (1940). You can also find a lot of in detail tutorials for claw-hands!



The shoes actually look good already! But to improve them, I’d start from a basic shape of the foot and then draw the shoe onto it. Basically you’re dressing your naked character! Also (very important!) keep references under your eyes!


- Mod Wilden

from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/32zUECY

Sunday, September 13, 2020

chicinlicin: oh hey new guide thinggg~ some basics on how to...


oh hey new guide thinggg~ some basics on how to practice! there’s SO much I could add to this, so it’s just the basics :O

short (kind of): there’s more to practice than doing something repeatedly, it’s also learning new things, problem solving, and honest critique. Each of those is its own skill…also be nice to yourself!

from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/2FA8iNq

Monday, September 7, 2020

Hello! I was hoping to get some help with shading and lighting! They’re one of my biggest weak...


Hello! I was hoping to get some help with shading and lighting! They’re one of my biggest weak points :-O!

submitted by @dreaminghosts​ 

Thank you for submitting! This looks like a great emotional scene so let’s give it some light and shadow. 

First I’ll show you my overall process, then I’ll break down what I did in detail. There are five steps here. 

The first picture is the original. In the second, I used a multiply layer to lay down a tone - this is a quick hack to harmonize the colors in a scene.

In the third, on a separate multiply layer, I blocked in shadow shapes. Don’t be afraid to really block in around half of the space in shadow, more if there’s less light and less if there’s more light, of course.

In the fourth, I lay down highlights using an overlay/screen/lighten layer. It would be more authentic to color-pick your highlights, but using add layers like these helps get them down quickly. 

In the fifth, I add darker shadows, brightest lights, and using a blending brush to blend the edges.


Looking closer at the third picture, you’ll notice that I vary the coloration of the shadow. This gives it more depth. The color of a shadow can add to the mood of a piece. Think about how things around the object will reflect their colors onto it. This also delves into a phenomenon called “subsurface scattering”. 

Here’s a short video on types of subsurface scattering: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkjvYSbGHg4


By the fifth stage it’s mostly about clean up. I’m adding the darkest darks, near-black where objects touch, since no light at all will reach those places. I’m utilizing something called “ambient occlusion”. 

Here is Mohammed Agbadi’s video on it: https://youtu.be/QksT7-Nz85c

Here is Marco Bucci’s video on it: https://youtu.be/7fLV5ezO64w


There are many different kinds of ways to blend. You may not even want to blend the shadows and leave them crisp in that cel-shaded technique. Having hard or soft edges to your shadows can give different effects, such as interpreting what material it is, how intense the light is, and even the mood of the piece. 

Here, I’m blending using this technique from Dave Greco: https://youtu.be/-oPp6NE4WL8

Using a brush on a lower opacity, I continuously eyedrop colors and apply brush strokes in order to achieve a smooth blend.


I hope this was helpful! One of the things I want you to keep in mind are to not be afraid of SUPER DARK shadows. I had this issue as well, and I was always scared of going too dark. In a digital medium, you can do whatever you want without consequence, so try going wild with the shading to get used to it and avoid those timid little shadows. 

-Mod Future (ko-fi)

from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/2F77cci

Sunday, September 6, 2020

theredlinestation:The RedLine Team is happy to announce the opening of its own public Discord...


The RedLine Team is happy to announce the opening of its own public Discord server!

The RedLine Server serves as a place to chat amongst other artists, receive advice and critiques from the whole server, and be a friendly community to come chill inside.

Please make sure to read through all the rules and introduce yourself when joining, but remember to have fun!


Didn’t get a chance to submit, or want to keep up with fellow artists? Our Discord’s a place for friendly art talk and community-based redlines.

We also have our September challenge going on, this month focusing on color palettes and design!

from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/35b6zco

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Submissions are now Closed.

Thank you to everyone who has submitted! Our mods will be looking over each one. If your submission has not followed all guidelines, you will be contacted by one of the mods. Otherwise, you should be all set! If you have any questions about your submission, please read the After Submitting Your Art section on our Submission Rules post, also linked in our header. 

-Mod Future

from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/3jEekf0

Hey fellas!So recently I’ve been trying to take on a more cartoon style when drawing. I’ve been...

Hey fellas! So recently I’ve been trying to take on a more cartoon style when drawing. I’ve been doing my best to do more unique shilloue...