Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Hi! I love this blog so much, thanks for all you do!! I did this drawing a bit ago, and I really...


Hi! I love this blog so much, thanks for all you do!! I did this drawing a bit ago, and I really like how it turned out, but something about the pose feels off… if you could help me out with the pose and help it feel more natural? Also, if it’s not too much to ask, could I also get some tips on how to draw shoes! Thanks so much in advance!

Submitted by @dragonseekerart

Hey! This is a really cool drawing! I especially like the details on the clothes, good job on that!

The things that don’t feel right with the pose are its stiffness and the perspective. To make the pose less rigid, draw a wall and make the character lean against it, consequently making the pose feel more natural and less stiff.


A note for the hands: give them a better structure, thus avoiding that “boneless” effect.

If you were aiming to give your character claw-hands, I’d recommend you to check out, for example, Aku from Samurai Jack or the Demon form Disney Fantasia (1940). You can also find a lot of in detail tutorials for claw-hands!



The shoes actually look good already! But to improve them, I’d start from a basic shape of the foot and then draw the shoe onto it. Basically you’re dressing your naked character! Also (very important!) keep references under your eyes!


- Mod Wilden

from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/32zUECY

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