Saturday, October 19, 2019

Hey! I think what you guys are doing is amazing and your advice is spot on. I guess I just wanted to ask your opinion about facial expressions: Do you guys think having expressions be subtle leaves the picture lacking? Or can still be effective. I understand if its in comic form thats one thing, but as a single picture- do you guys think it's 'safer than sorry' to push expressions to be as clear as possible?

This question really got me thinking! I’ve discussed this with a few of the other mods and generally this is what we’ve come to a consensus to: Subtle expressions are awesome and can still be effective in expressing whatever emotion you want!

However, this all depends on how and when you use them! Not every expression has to be exaggerated, or even clearly expressing that emotion. If you want to leave a character’s emotions up to interpretation and nuance, a subtle expression can work wonders.

What is important is how you supplement the expressions. Subtle expressions are fine and dandy, but they’re a lot more fun when you can sell them with other parts of your scene.

Here’s 3 ways you can accompany your subtle expressions.

1. Body Language

Behold: A pretty neutral expression.


As you can see, in the first image, the figure is very relaxed. Not much can be read about them by looking at their body. In the second, you suddenly get a bit more context. The arms are raised up, showing apprehension? Fear? Confusion? There’s suddenly more story behind the expression.

2. Composition


Composition can help set mood as well! Again, with the arms raised and the camera shifted slightly down, you can see more apprehension, the feeling of being overwhelmed, or any mix and match of other emotions.

3. Lighting  


Lighting can also change the mood of a pose. I find dramatic lighting works best for this, as its more atmospheric; but softer, less intense lighting can also help sell a scene. 

So to answer your question: Pushing expressions is a great way to make emotions clear and readable; but subtle expressions can be just as effective with the right puzzle pieces. Don’t ever feel as if you have to be “safe” with your art! Do what expression you want to do, and give it your all to make that piece something special. I hope this helps!

⁃ Mod Vain (Ko-Fi)

from The Redline Station

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