How can I give this more personality. along with making a hood on the hoodie look like a hood?
There are a few ways that you can add more personality to this piece. I’ll settle with the posture and some minor details. :)

Often we can enhance the sense of personality in a piece by simply pushing our expressions and gesture more. In this case, I would curve the back a lot more, so that the chest was pushed out, and the rear tugged back. This gives us a dramatic curve which pushes the momentum of the character forward somewhat.
To complement this ( make the curve more visible ) - I pulled the character’s left arm back to create a little gap between the body and the limb.
Tilting the character’s head is one also an easy way to add a bit more dynamism to the pose, this also brings forward that inquisitive/curious look.

As for hoodies and heavy textiles in general, the fabric will bunch up around the character’s neck, and rest on top of it all the way around. This means a lot of large, soft folds that follow the mass of the hood around the neck. If the hood is particularly large, it’ll rest “on top” of the shoulder, and overlay the curvature of it.

A few extra tidbits in regards to the personality of the piece could be added to the expression. Lowering the eyebrow on the left eye, while heightening the other ( and increasing the size of the open eye ) pushes the expression further, and communicates it more blatantly. I’ve added the tongue just as a test. It is one of those trademark features you see in the character’s trying to study something, whether or not it fits with your character is of course up to you.
from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/31nFsVO
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