Wednesday, November 27, 2019! i would like some help...


Hello! i would like some help with mainly the anatomy (specifically hands) and the shading! And if its not too much to ask just a few tips on digital painting/lineless? (Characters are from Homestuck) Thanks in advance :3!

This is really cute. 
I took a glance over the anatomy. I had to make an assumption on the leg stance since the supposed adult troll’s lower half was obscured by the dress itself. 


Based on the dent in her dress I could only assume that one leg was nudged underneath her somewhat. I recommend straightening this leg out in order to balance her better. If the intent was to make her lean in over the child, I would recommend bending her at the back instead of the knee. 
I wasn’t certain if the head-size compared to the body was a stylistic thing, but I assumed a much, what with the general proportions of the head was rather toonified as well ( large eyes, small mouth ). If you want it a little more realistic looking, and I’ve misunderstood your intent with the head size, I’d shrink it a bit. This could also make your adult character appear older and physically more mature. 

I flipped the kid’s hand to rest flat against her pelvis. In the original picture, it seemed as if he was grasping for something since his fingers crooked upwards. generally, when we rest our hands at something, the palm will sit flat on the object/person, and the fingers will splay out from the centre of our palm. 


The source of the light was not super consistent in the original drawing ( there was a lot of light coming from the centre of the image, as well as something coming in from the left near the adult troll’s face, and one directly to the right of the child’s face ). So I picked the one that sat to their left and worked my way from there. Working with light coming in from the side is generally easier to start up with if you’re just getting into shading your pieces. That way you can divide your characters down the middle ( or 1/3rd, 2/3rds depending on whether the source sits DIRECTLY to their side or a little to the front or back ), and shade that entire chunk in. Working from there, you can  “carve” out your lights into the shaded half, following the form of your figures. 

Starting with large primary shadows is easiest, so don’t go into smaller, finer shadows before you’ve blocked out the big ones.  

We are still working on a comprehensive painting-post for you digital painters out there. But i can link you up to a couple of sources that can give you a few tips and tricks to the art of digital painting.–cms-23730

- Mod wackart ( ko-fi

from The Redline Station

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