Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Hey! So this is a character of mine that I drew awhile back, and it was also my first time drawing a...


Hey! So this is a character of mine that I drew awhile back, and it was also my first time drawing a male character (due to the fact that I primarily tend to draw female characters, maybe it’s because I’m a female myself?). While I am quite proud of it (since, once again it was my first time drawing a male character-) I definitely feel like there some things could be improved. First things first, that anatomy is just… eughh- (I swear I’m being my own worst critic again aren’t I-) But anyways, on the same note but a different key, I honestly feel that the head to body ratio is preeetty off, like, I’m not exactly a realist, but my style’s not that cartoony. Ya’ feel me? It’s a bit semi-realistic, and while we’re on the subject of anatomy, I feel like the neck is a bit to… thin? I guess, I’m not exactly sure how to do a neck semi-realistically so… uh. Yeah. But I also don’t want it to be super thicc either. So, there’s that. Last thing on anatomy, I feel like he looks a bit to… feminine? Yeah, that’s the word, as I stated before, I primarily draw females, so any recommendations on how to make look a bit more masculine would be helpful. and Second, overall, the face. I feel like the expression just so, lifeless… and it just feels off. I was going for a slightly serious look, with a good bit of sass and a touch of confidence to it (which is not at all what happened, big rip, I was having a bad art day when I did the face), and the eyes, I’ve been drawing them like that for a while, and I’m not a fan of lemon eyes either. Sooo, any advice on semi-realistic eyes? (I kinda got inspired by Steven Universe with the eyes a bit). But uh… one last thing… if possible… Could you have CheckHov Redline this? If not that’s perfectly fine, I know that they’re probably pretty busy with other things such as the Steven and White Pearl Ask Blog, and etc. I was just wondering. Anyways, that should be all! and I’d like to say, thank you for your time! :3 and have a nice day! :D

Hey, and thank you so much for the submission! We’re sorry it took so long to get to it!

Overall your construction is good! I think you’ve made the face shape read as quite masculine, and I love all the details you gave! 

In terms of balancing a cartoony style vs a realistic one - I recommend checking proportions against a human body to see how much you’re swinging away from the realistic ones of the human body. 

Here is a quick cheat sheet!

- Redlined by Chekhov (@thechekhov​)

(original by @crystalcandyisontheinternet)

from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/2P8M86e

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Hey fellas!So recently I’ve been trying to take on a more cartoon style when drawing. I’ve been...

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