Thursday, December 12, 2019

How do you draw unkempt hair in a more simple style? I have a character who the most he does is probably brush his fingers through it but I can't draw him not looking like he has nicely styled wavy locks.

Using a variety of hair textures and abstract hair shapes can help create the messy effect you want;

Here’s an example for hair textures, The left is a full head of curly hair; on the right I made some generals shapes on the base to guide where the textures would change, this could be as smile and complex as you want!


If your character reference doesn’t allow for different hair textures, you can always try building abstract or conflicting shapes out of the hair itself. Long hair which is messy generally has lots of fly-aways you can shape, as well as crude edges or bunching together at random. Short hair is more diverse in my opinion, it depends on the texture and the cut, but I would try to group part of the hair together at random, and direct the shapes to give a sense of asymmetry to the silhouette. The simpler your style needs to be, the fewer general the shapes you may want to build into the body of the hair.


I hope this gives you some fun ideas!

(With Love from Mod Koikro55)

from The Redline Station

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