Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Any tips for about/for art school?? I really wanna go and improve my art (plus a degree isn't bad) but I hear a lot of people didn't like it or it didn't help their art. I def plan on an art career but I really need to get my art lookin good/professional and just practicing hasn't helped me enough for the past year, my improvement is so slow :( will art school actually help??

I’ve personally heard a lot of mixed feelings about art-school. Personally i’m from the nordics, where we don’t pay tuition, so there’s a little less in it to lose from my perspective - take my opinion in context to that. 

I think, especially for americans who pay in spades for the privilege to study art - it’s all about researching the school your looking into. Check their alumni, talk to the students in there - attend the open-house events and make absolutely sure that you know all that you possibly can before deciding if this is the place for you. Especially when it comes to their curriculum. Nothing sucks more than joining a school only to realize that the things you’re taught isn’t really applying to what you want to do for a career. 

With that said, I - personally, highly recommend art schools. I am largely self-taught, but admittedly, my four years (so far) in artschool and art-uni has really pushed my abilities. If not directly through tutoring in specific drawing disciplines, then at least in giving me challenging assignments which required me to seek out the information myself. 

What I think is also important is to come into an art school with an open mind and a willingness to let your style, your identity and your experiences be highly influenced by the environment and your lectures. I hear a lot of stories about people joining artschools only to have their mentors “hate” their art for one reason or the other. I’ve personally spent half a year being the worst in my class, now ending up as one of the top illustrators in there, and all I can say is that - regardless of whether or not you think any teachers potential “dislike” for your stuff is rooted in pettiness or not - it is important that you go in there being ready and open to change. Cause through that variation and through being forced out of your own little style and competence bubble, that’s when you see your skills progress the most. 

If you join an art school, if you do your best, work broad, varied and intensively - you’ll surely see improvement no doubt about it. 

Mod Future shares their knowledge about art schools and institutes in California here - 

I did a bit on prepping a portfolio for an art school application, you should give it a look if you decide to apply anywhere. 


Mod Sugar jumping in really quick: another option is to go to a traditional university and major in art/possibly double major. This opens up your options considerably and allows you some leeway. You also have much more opportunity for financial aid, especially over a for-profit art school. Personally, I double majored in Psychology and Art, and doing that psych degree was the best decision I made. Having an art degree alongside a discipline with a more flexible job market ensures that you can do what you love/fully prepare for an art career, but have a backup plan. Many adults will tell you that changing your trajectory is very common and natural, even if you think it’ll never happen to you. Your art depends on how much work YOU put in, not if you go to a specialized school or not—a traditional college can still give you a very similar experience.

Best of luck! 
-  Mod Wackart ( ko-fi ) and Mod Sugar

from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/3e7Jg46

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