Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Is it normal to randomly get severely depressed while drawing? I enjoy making art, but I tend to rush my work before I get hit with the deep depressive episode that I inevitably get during or after anytime I try to do something I enjoy. The quality of my art suffers severely because of how I rush through it and if I can't finish it, it can be months before I can find the motivation and energy to draw again. And by that time, I end up moving on to starting a new drawing. How do I avoid this?


It is normal to go through bouts of doubt or feeling incompetent when working creatively. Specifically if you’re drawing, and if you’re somewhat new or inexperienced in the craft. This can be helped through maintaining healthy mindfulness and doing some self-insight on how and why the bad moods are triggered. 

However, for anon; this sounds a lot more serious than your typical artistic insecurity. If you are hit with bouts of depression every time you do something that you are supposed to enjoy, it might point to conditions such as burnout, stress or depression. 
Or - at least, it’s an indicator that you have problems in lieu with your mental health that needs addressing, preferably by a proffessional, or at least someone you trust enough to open up to. 

We have a few posts on motivation and keeping your mental headspace somewhat clear and on track, but please - talk to someone about your returning dips of depression, cause that is not something that you can fight solely by whichever little tricks and tidbits we can offer up here. 

Our writing on productivity and motivation

Staying motivated 

Underlying problems that leads to art block

Art block

Pre-requisites for a productive day

Heart to heart about perfectionism

Dealing with perfectionalism

Managing your cycle of productivity

- mod wackart ( ko-fi

from The Redline Station

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