Sunday, August 23, 2020

Hello! I was wondering if you could redline basic anatomy and other issues like that for me? This...


Hello! I was wondering if you could redline basic anatomy and other issues like that for me? This was done on ms paint! The grey one is my drawing, green is my reference. Thank you!

Submitted by @cabbagiez​ 

Redlined by Mod Future

I think the main issue may be line quality. If your hand is shaky, or you’re drawing with a mouse, it may be better to draw on paper first to really hone your skills before you can invest in some kind of digital drawing utensil. Analog (traditional, on paper) drawing helps build hand-eye coordination.

A basic tip is to focus on the symmetry of the body. This is most apparent in the legs, as they become different widths at certain points, when they should be about the same width at any point in the leg. The legs go really skinny, so make sure they connect up to the hip in  a comfortable way! 

-Mod Future (ko-fi)

from The Redline Station

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