Monday, August 24, 2020

I would like to focus on the water, the anatomy of the pinkish...

I would like to focus on the water, the anatomy of the pinkish dragon, and facial structure of the man - particularly lips (which are currently rather lacking).

The water is supposed to be cloudy, and I don’t know if it really looks like water right now.

For the dragon, it’s supposed to have a base shape like a greyhound, but stretched out a little bit.

The man is supposed to have a mostly expressionless face with a little hint of content. He’s a bit more on the androgynous side. Soft cheekbones. I’ve tried multiple things with the lips, but I cannot get anything that looks remotely decent. 

Submitted by @gatekeeperrose

Hello! I know you’ve been working on this for some time so I’ll give you more feedback on its current form. 


First, I needed to search up some photo reference for people laying in water. Doing some study painting at first can help you in your final, actual painting.

Then, I’ll apply what I learned from my study! First, I’ll lay in the color of the water. I made things a lot darker to give it contrast.

Next, for the foamy part. Water wants to fill a space and will create currents of flow. When things are on top of the water, they can show this current! Water is never still, unless that is what you want to exaggerate!

Foam tiiime. I added a lot more foam on one side of the picture since that’s what is in my reference, but you can add more or less. It’s better to have one area of HIGH and other areas of LOW. Having equal amounts across the entire picture can make it look flat. 


Some notes on the face. I made him a little more chiseled in the jaw, but you can totally smooth that out. The important thing is the placement of the features. 

I would also recommend a less saturated green for the eyes if you want something naturalistic. There is a way to make eyes seem vibrant without going fully into the high saturation range. Eyedrop and colorpick some green and blue eye photos and see what I mean! 

One last thing: I think overall the anatomy of your dragon is solid. One thing that stood out to me was the folding of the skin along the top of the wings. If you look at bat wings, the skin doesn’t fold because it is being pulled in by the muscles. The skin is elastic so it is always taut and in shape - no saggy skin! 

I hoped this helped! Thank you for being so patient and for submitting your work to us.

-Mod Future (ko-fi)

from The Redline Station

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