Sunday, August 2, 2020

Hello, I'm a digital artist and my tablet recently died, I want to buy another one or maybe a monitor, but I'm left handed and all the tablets and moitors I see have the buttons on the left, do you know any drawing monitor for left handed peopole? Or one that can be flipped?

I’m left-handed too, and I work with the Wacom MobileStudio that also happens to have the buttons on the left when it comes packaged. 

As far as I know, at least some of the tablets I’ve encountered has a screen-rotation function, which makes the interface of the screen turn accordingly to your orientation. So that you can flip the buttons to the other side and still have the tablet itself function without mirroring. 

I know that for the Cintiq models there are driver-functionality that allows you to manually switch your screen rotation too. 

Per se I don’t think that are many tablets made for lefties like you and me, but I would google around and see if there are any tablets that feature any functionality like screen rotation.

- Mod Wackart 

from The Redline Station

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