Saturday, August 1, 2020

theredlinestation: With my DND PC Tandrii, who’s an elven...


With my DND PC Tandrii, who’s an elven sorcerer with draconic ancestry, I’m trying to push her character design a bit more - I want her to look a bit more monstrous, but I always feel like I’m going too far. Elves are supposed to be ethereally beautiful, but I don’t want my character to be conventionally attractive - her nose and teeth are too big (she keeps her mouth shut most of the time so they don’t show,) and she had silver scales from her bloodline. I suppose I was wondering if you could help me achieve balance.

Submitted by clefabletime  

I love this character she looks so tired and done! You say her nose is bigger than average but honestly i think you can push it a bit more especially since you have a loose cartoony style. or if you want her to look more monstrous you could go the opposite and make her nose small and snake like, kinda like elf Voldemort lol!


another way you can add to her monstrous effect is to make her silver scales more pronounced and textured like the Voldy demo above. Adding some features inspired from animals in nature can also help, especially with the eyes since they can get pretty wild with out completely straying away from humanoid  

I noticed she doesn’t have eyebrows and while that will add to her alien monster look it could also limit how well her facial expressions read. This doesn’t mean you have to give your eyebrows but its just something to think about when designing characters. 

hope this helps! 

~Mod Todd (ko-fi) 

from The Redline Station

1 comment:

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