Friday, October 23, 2020

Hello dear mods!I am currently working on quite the large piece that I want to turn out well, so I...

Hello dear mods!

I am currently working on quite the large piece that I want to turn out well, so I wanted to see if you may be so kind as to help me out a bit!

Although I am quite happy with the general anatomy of the human part (at least I think it’s correct?), the wings are what trouble me most, since I want them to be a mix of bronze and black dragon wings, based on DnD dragon models. The folding is what hs me in a bit of a pinch, since leather / skin wings are harder for me personally than feathered wings. Any tips on how to make the folds in thos or a similar perspecticve look better / how to make the composition more interesting?


If it is of any help, the sketch is this rough since I’m painting over it directly later! Thank you in advance :>

I did a post about basic dragon wings earlier, it should be somewhere on the masterlist, but here is the link. This might give you pointers to general anatomical tips and tricks on the matter:

We are going to build a little bit on top of this post, since the bronze dragons appear to have more “fingers” or falanger bones than your typical wings. 


We’ll be combining the anatomy of the common bronze dragon reference with the reference we have from the post. As such, the extra falangers ( those not connected to larger pieces of membrane ) will be positioned as extra “fingers” similar to how a human hand is compositioned. So, between the upwards-pointing “thumb” and the remaining three “fingers” on the “palm”.


Something like this. 

Note: i have also added a secondary bone to the “elbow” of the wing. This also comes from the reference above. It gives the wings a bit more shape, and i imagine aids in maximizing surface-area in flight, as the extra bone makes sure that the membrane between the shoulders and the “palm” stays fanned out.


Now these two fingers are what can make folding wings, which is already a somewhat confusing endeavour, even more complicated, since they would technically be overlapping the other fingers when folded. At least in many poses. 

A way to think of the folding of wings, is to consider them similar in structure to your wrists and hand. So just like how a fabric draped over your hands would bend with your hand, so would a membrane fold in on itself. 


As for the composition of the piece, we don’t have much in way of background or environment, so i recommend you playing with the empty space. Give the character some space to breathe in either direction of your choice. And note how each choice gives a different feel of the piece all-together. 

While i don’t really have a preference here, ( as a head-on image of a character can provoke a certain feeling in the viewer ) you could experiment with the orientation of the camera. Typically, ¾ angles are a bit more universally appealing, but it really all comes down to what kind of feeling you want out of your picture.

- Mod Wackart ( Ko-fi )

from The Redline Station

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