Sunday, October 18, 2020

Hello!!! I was wondering if I could get some feedback on the lighting and movement of this piece, I...


Hello!!! I was wondering if I could get some feedback on the lighting and movement of this piece, I want It to be dark and moody, but still be able to see some of the details. I also wanted to convey energy in the pose but I feel like it looks too stiff? General feedback would be appreciated as well!! Thanks so much!!

The pose itself is already pretty dynamic, but here’s a few pointers to how to push the flow and movement of the character itself, along with some slight alterations to the wiring that’s suspended around them. 


As you can see, i’ve tried to avoid using 90° angles, ( as in altering the position of the left-most leg, by pushing it backwards ). Often 90° angles can come across as stiff when compared to stumped or more acute angles. Same reason that I have pushed the bend of the arm that isn’t grabbing the guitar ( of which, btw, I’m not sure if this is intentional or not, but as a guitar-player, i need to recommend you to implement a strap to the guitar, as holding the guitar like the character does in both my alterations, and the original picture is very, VERY straining, if not impossible ). 

As you can see i’ve also added larger arcs to the wiring that’s floating around the characters. This is more of a personal preference, but i feel that these larger, smoother curves reads better - and thusly gives an overview of the composition much quicker. 


As for the light - it was already pretty damn good looking. I just have a few notes. 
First of all, i would darken the background ( and the image in overall ) a bunch more, so that we can get those really stark contrasts from the parts exposed to the dramatic light on the floor. 

I also went over the heads on the wiring on the left in the image, which seemed to have been recieving light from above in the original picture, when the main source of light - in fact, comes from the floor. 

You will also notice that i’ve added a gradient of green light that’s glowing on the floor. This bolsters the effects of the floor-light and gives the overall image a strong sense of a cohesive colour-pallete, as the green here is plentyful enough to balance out the purples on the character. 


For this particular piece, i’d recommend playing around a bit with highlights. A highlights of bright green or yellow ( like in the example above ) can give your scene an extra dynamic feel. I would limit my use of to the areas that should grab our attention first - such as the face. 

Experiment a bit back and forth and see what you like the best :). 

- Mod Wackart ( ko-fi

from The Redline Station

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