Monday, October 19, 2020

Hi mods! I was hoping you’d be able to help me with some overall...

Hi mods! I was hoping you’d be able to help me with some overall scene composition and dynamic posing here for the witch. I was trying to get a fun, sort of “off-kilter” or playful vibe to this picture, but I just feel like it’s a bit stiff. Any help would be appreciated!

Also, this picture is from a switcharound meme/collaboration (with permission), so I’d appreciate if any notes are made in regards to the sketch in particular! (You can find that here, if it’s easier)

Thank you so much! ^^

This is really cute! The palm-broom is a really nice touch. 
The tilted camera angle is already providing a bit of a dynamic look to the picture, but let’s see if we can push it further. 


The first thing you probably noticed i did was turning the character to face the camera partially. Like this, we can make use of perspective to enhance the “dynamic feeling” of the piece. Having something move between the planes of the picture ( background, midground and foreground ) will almost always make the piece appear more dynamic, as it leads our eye in and out of the depth of the environment. 

As such, i’ve also added a bit of momentum to the palm-leaves, that are now all pointing in the same direction-ish, to indicate a flow of air or an arch of movement. In this particular case, it would appear that the character is descending on her broom.
The hat follows the same momentum here, which further emphasizes the sense of flow. 


As for the background, I would keep it mostly intact, but add a layer of perspective to it by having the palm move in and out of the image’s different planes, just like the character.
You can use the curve of the palm-tree to make for a framing device for the character and her pet familiar. This will put your character in focus, and easily lead the audience’s eye to the quirky duo. 

- Mod Wackart ( ko-fi

from The Redline Station

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