Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Hey! Overall this was a piece i was pretty proud of but there’s...

Hey! Overall this was a piece i was pretty proud of but there’s a couple things I can see wrong with it. For one I didn’t really know how to posr the character or what to else to put in with him. The character is an older man who loves plants. I guess what i’m asking for help with is composition or how to make the piece feel more ‘complete’ and like they’re not just floating in the air? Idk if that makes sense i just woke up. Other thing was I didn’t know how to make his hair look like it was greying and it was hard to find anything on how to do that. Thank you!!

You should be proud of this piece! It is very nice. 

As for a way to make this piece seem more complete, allow me to stoop to the first trick in the book for adding visual interest to a composition: Interaction. 

The moment you have a character, and a prop, environment or another character, adding some kind of interaction between the two will immedieately make the piece 100x more interesting. An interaction doesn’t have to be complex. An action will always rely a sense of storytelling to us regardless of how simple or complicated it is.
How is the character relating to this object? What is the character doing with said objects? - and is there a specfic way they do it?
 All of these aspects relay information about the character, the given situation, and the importance of the object they are interacting with. 


I allowed the character to simply touch the plant. Daintly so in fact. Giving a sense of tenderness and affection between the plant and it’s owner/cultivator. 


Now for greying hair, there are certain patterns to which greying hair usually appears. I’m just going to show you the two most “ common “ ways of which greying may appear. 

Racoon refers to the greying that happens somewhat locally to a few locks of hair, but later spreads into the full mane of hair. This is a trait commonly seen in character designs, and by all accounts also the design-choice that might be easier to keep track of if you’re doing motion graphics, or simply intent to draw the character multiple times over. 

Streaking is a much more sporadic kind of greying, that appears as grey hairs interspersing between locks of naturally coloured hair. The distribution of grey hairs are usually a little more even in streaking, though may still localize around certain areas. This can look more like a silver “speckle” than that of the racoon greying. 

I hope this helped out! 

- Mod Wackart ( ko-fi

from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/3ji4u1J

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