Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Monday, May 27, 2019
Sunday, May 26, 2019
megan-cutler: pigmenting: something i wish i had realized earlier: you can write poems on the same...
something i wish i had realized earlier: you can write poems on the same subject more than once. you can write, paint, draw the same thing over and over if you want to. you can spend your whole life making art about oranges. i think i always felt this pressure to get it right the first time like i couldn’t go back and use that inspiration again. but you can. you can go back and revisit it. you can pick up the conversation again and again if you have more to say.
The only person in control of the art you do or don’t do, is you.
from The Redline Station http://bit.ly/2QqzEHk
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Friday, May 24, 2019
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
So i have a sort of dilemma in terms of art style. I was wanting to ask, if its alright to do so, how does one keep a consistent artstyle in terms of character design without dropping them all into a same face (and body sometimes) box? I see a lot of tutorials on this topic but i find that often times the faces are hyper cartoony and super different that you draw one, and its very unnatural to draw the others in comparison because they feel too different.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Sunday, May 19, 2019
So, I know of multiple reference sources that I use. My issue is finding the right reference for what one has in mind. So for instance, I know I want like a hunting feline-esque type crouching pose, but I want it from a slightly birds eye view. With such a specific pose, how does one find a reference? I find searching for super long just kills my creative mood, and winging it lends to sub par results... I know this isn’t a submission type ask, so I’m not sure if you all can help with this!
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Friday, May 17, 2019
kittycouch: No one asked but here’s a brief tutorial on digital...

No one asked but here’s a brief tutorial on digital underpainting and how it can add some extra flavor to your art!
(I got asked this a couple times so just to clarify: I used “overlay” in the second slide… but the rest of these examples are JUST painted on, no effects! Try playing with the opacity on your pencil/water/brush tool to allow the base color to show through!)
from The Redline Station http://bit.ly/2YDxnvs
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Monday, May 13, 2019
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Hi! This isn't a tutorial ask, but some advice based on that traditional art piece submission you gave photo tips on. There's an app called CamScanner that you can use to make crisp, clean scans from your phone! It's mainly for documents, but it works well for drawings too!
Hi! Usually we’d like for these comments to be delegated to the replies of the post, just so that it’s more direct. But you’re correct, CamScanner or other scanners work well. The problem is it can often look grainy if you don’t take care to use correctly lighting and photo techniques anyway, and for light or thin sketches, you do want to retain those small, thin lines instead of them being washed out.
Thanks for the comment!
-Mod Future
from The Redline Station http://bit.ly/2Wx5MLD
This probably sounds silly, but is it wrong to disregard art tutorials sometimes? Like one time, I was drawing eyes the correct way according to some tutorials and references and it never looked right to me. But when I went back to how I usually did it, it looked much better. But now I feel paranoid that if I don't do things the "right" way and do them the way that works for the style I'm going for, I'm not a real artist.
Friday, May 10, 2019
Thursday, May 9, 2019
If you don't mind my asking, how many submissions are left?
I won’t give an exact number, but we should be ready to open for submissions rather soon :)
- Mod wackart
from The Redline Station http://bit.ly/2JrzHky
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
If you submit and you didnt follow the rules would you let us know so we dont sit and wait for our submission to he posted?
Yes, Each time we open submissions, we go through the ones we’ve collected and contact those whose submissions didn’t follow the guidelines. If you submitted a piece and didn’t get a message from us explicitly, chances are that we are working on it. If you would like to double-check that we got it, please read the Submission Guidelines again to find out how to send an ask for that.
from The Redline Station http://bit.ly/2JauEpC
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Hi! I love this blog so much!! And I was just wondering if you guys know when you will start posting the second batch of submissions? If not it's totally ok I was just wondering
Not sure what you mean by second batch.
We’re still posting submissions from our last inbox-opening, which was March 24th. We got no other ‘batch’ waiting so to speak.
- Mod wackart
from The Redline Station http://bit.ly/2WAEh41
Monday, May 6, 2019
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Saturday, May 4, 2019
Friday, May 3, 2019
When will you guys be announcing the new mods?
Hey, thank you for the message! We were sorting through the applications last week, so it will be soon! :) We had to wait for a late addition to one of the applications, but we should be making an announcement over the next few days.
Thanks for your patience!
- Mod Chekhov
from The Redline Station http://bit.ly/2DLkbwq
Thursday, May 2, 2019
black-with-sparkles: The LGBT+ Access Project Artists and Admin needed! Hello, everybody! For those...
The LGBT+ Access Project
Artists and Admin needed!
Hello, everybody! For those of you who don’t know, my name is Lea. I’m a demisexual, and I love to draw.
The other day, while scrolling through the demisexual tag on Tumblr, I noticed there wasn’t a whole lot of original content; there were some posts, edits, memes, but not much about demisexuality, what it meant, or artwork concerning it. The entire scenario made me wonder if creating a space to access content, have questions answered, or openly discuss your sexuality/identity.
Currently, I’m looking for possible administrators, moderators, and artists to answer questions and entertain. Allies are free to apply, though the blog is and will continue to be LGBT+ focused. I will be accepting multiple artists from each sexuality/identity, but please understand I cannot take every single applicant on as an artist.
To express interest in participating, please click the link below to get into the Discord Server dedicated to building the project. I hope you’ll want to participate, I’m looking forward to working with you!
^^ Some of you may be interested in reaching out to other like-minded communities who share your passion! It’s a great way to connect with other people and get involved in projects that could be good experience! Check it out! - Mod Future
from The Redline Station http://bit.ly/2JcNc7F
Hey fellas!So recently I’ve been trying to take on a more cartoon style when drawing. I’ve been...
Hey fellas! So recently I’ve been trying to take on a more cartoon style when drawing. I’ve been doing my best to do more unique shilloue...

Recently we got an inquiry about colleges for animation! This post is going to cover my (Mod Future) knowledge on the subject (which is limi...
hey everyone! We’ve received a whole load of questions about Art-style, and don’t worry - they’re being worked on, but in order to give a ...