Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Hi there! I’m a big fan of your work! And I hope you can help me with my anatomy!I drew this a while...


Hi there! I’m a big fan of your work! And I hope you can help me with my anatomy!

I drew this a while back on my dA and I’m pretty proud of it! But do you think you can help with the anatomy/pose? IDK why, but I just could not get the arms to look right. Plus, the hands are supposed to be “clawing” at the face, but I couldn’t find a decent reference for it, so I just drew them holding the head.

Submitted by pinkasketch

For a simple pose like this, you could probably take reference from yourself in the mirror! It would also help with figuring out how the face looks when it’s being clawed like that. I just used this stock photo: 

I think the hands themselves could be bigger. An open hand for the average person should  be the same length as the face. If you want this really tense emotion, the fingers get scrunched up, and you can see the folds of the skin when the finger curls. 

I added dynamism to the pose by flaring out the arms and tilting the shoulder opposite the direction of the head. Avoid parallel-ish composition, since that is static and calm and doesn’t convey the tense emotion. 

You could also push the emotion even just by furrowing the brow more and adding those crease lines. If he’s clawing his face, you could even exaggerate and pull down his eyelid, for a more spooky effect!

I hope this helps. One of the ways I make up poses is using a simple skeleton to try out the pose first. See what works for you! Thanks for submitting. :3 

-Mod Future (ko-fi)

from The Redline Station

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