Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Got any advice for the shoulder and chest ratio? Sometimes when I draw a person, I'll draw the shoulders to the size I want them, but then the chest will look too big/broad. But if i change the size of the shoulders, it'll make the head look disproportionate.

The shoulder’s and chest tends to align in width. So as long as you keep your pectorals lining up with the shoulders you should be good to go.

However the shoulder-to-head ratio can be a bit tricky. That’s why its so nifty that Mod Chekhov made a quick note of this in a previous post. I recommend you giving it a look! 


- Mod Wackart

from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/31xEY36

Sunday, June 28, 2020

How do you make faces look different in non cartoon styles? Like the jaw and cheek bones area? (If you’ve already done this skip over but I checked and I didn’t find anything but tumblr is dumb so maybe you’ve done this)


I did a bit on same-face syndrome some time back, that might be interesting to you. Half the battle of character variation is being aware that there is different shapes to be found, and then being brave enough to just go out there and draw those different shapes. There’s not much of a great science to it once you get used to working with these specific features ( or with character variation in general ) since you will, over time, build up a mental vault of shapes and sizes that you can combine into an unlimited number of designs. . 


Bias of appeal

If you have an easier time drawing guys varied. It might be that you have a strong preference or bias towards how female characters should look to seem appealing. Something worth deconstructing through simply drawing female characters that look different from your own, and readjusting that bias through continous experimentation. ( this goes both ways, if you have one way of drawing guys but multiple ways for girls, you may have a bias ). 

Distinguishing siblings from one another while still making them look related can be a bit tricky. I personally recommend just picking a few very visible traits that they share between them. But then ensuring that the rest of the traits are very distinguished and different, to avoid them looking too identical. 

Body types

Same goes for different body-types. Just draw them. You don’t have to get it looking consistent or “nice” the first couple of times, you just need to get used to drawing those specific shapes.

Mod future did a really cool tutorial on this:


- Mod wackart ( ko-fi

from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/3dHVb8c

Thursday, June 25, 2020

When making fanart for a live action character, how do you color pick? I'm trying to make some Dark Crystal fanart rn, but I'm having trouble getting the right colors (because y'know live action characters are 3D and not flat images and stuff).

I did a small bit on deciphering colours from 3D models ( first half is probably irellevant to you, but the latter tackles your problem )

It’s very much something you might need to practice since it can be really difficult to find the right midtone in the reference material to colour pick from. Eyeballing it is unfortunately, probably your best shot, as far as i know.

- Mod wackart ( ko-fi )

from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/2NuS7Sr

This is such a cool idea! There used to be a similar critique blog a couple years ago but I've been looking for a valid alternative for a really long time. Too bad submissions are closed, but I'll be sure to submit something once they open again!

Thank you so much! Hopefully we get to see you and your art by the time we open up for submissions again. 

- Mod wackart

from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/37Z9cxl

Do you know when submissions are opening up?

We are currently in the thick of figuring out how the team’s holding up, and picking up from where we left off. So it might be a little while before we are ready to take in new submissions. Especially considering that we still have a few leftovers from last opening ( as well as a sea of tutorials and questions to answer ). 
I’ll say sit tight, but be patient. It’s probably gonna take a little bit before we’re ready to open again. 

- mod wackart

from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/3i2fL6P

Hey creatives! The mod-team is slowly shaking the grime of hibernation off, and i know there’s a...

Hey creatives! 
The mod-team is slowly shaking the grime of hibernation off, and i know there’s a good few of us who are looking to get back into the swing of things during the summer. Myself included. Hopefully you should start seeing content being released on this blog soon. 
We still have a bit of a haul from the tons and tons of questions we’ve gotten from you lovely people, along with a few redlines that needs doing. We’ll get to those as soon as we can. 2020 has been a crazy for most of us, and we’re very thankful that you’ve stuck with us through the long break.

- mod wackart

from The Redline Station https://ift.tt/3i4ukXq

Hey fellas!So recently I’ve been trying to take on a more cartoon style when drawing. I’ve been...

Hey fellas! So recently I’ve been trying to take on a more cartoon style when drawing. I’ve been doing my best to do more unique shilloue...