Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Hello! I’m so glad submissions opened up again. I’ve been...
Hello! I’m so glad submissions opened up again. I’ve been working on this piece for some time, and though I’m happy with how my bee-dog turned out, I can’t quite get the girl’s pose right. From top to bottom, here are the things I need help with:
- Expression: Her facial expression came out much more serene than I was trying for. I was going for excitement, for lack of a better word- she’s supposed to be having a great time.
- Arms/hands: As you can see from her left hand, I gave up on drawing it entirely. As for her right arm/hand, I tried drawing it further back (to give a sense of movement) but it didn’t look right.
- Legs: What even are legs?! These are clearly too short, but they also didn’t look right when I tried constructing the pose and lengthening them.
- Overall pose/clothing: Like I said above, I was going for more movement/whimsy in this pose and just didn’t get it. I want her to almost be skipping, I guess. She just comes off as very wooden/still here. Her clothing has the same problem- there’s no movement in it, and it really doesn’t make sense as I’ve constructed it. I tried to follow this blog’s advice on constructing a pose and then building the clothing over it, but I think I still need more practice.
I know this is a lot, so feel free to just focus on one of the above things! Also, if anyone has any advice on drawing backgrounds, I’m not sure where to even start.
Thank you so much!
Whew, this is a long one- but I hope it helps!! Thanks for submitting!
-mod goji (ko-fi)
from The Redline Station
Saturday, February 23, 2019
This is a longshot, but do you have any advice for artists who have aphantasia? (If you've never heard of it, it means an inability to picture anything in your head) I have to use references for absolutely everything and sometimes those references don't exist. I'm also confined to "realistic" art like portrait drawings because at least I can find references for that or make my own, but drawing anything else is nearly impossible. I don't want to be confined to just portraits anymore. Any advice?
Yes, I have some mild form of something like that! I can’t conjure up images of things inside my head. Even when I’m reading, there are many things I can’t picture (like a character’s body, face, etc.). However, when I do picture things, it’s usually of things I’ve seen before (duh) like a road or room I’m familiar with.
I would suggest building up your visual library. Of course, I’m guessing you’ve already tried that. Remember that a lot of drawing is just muscle memory. If you keep drawing a body over and over, eventually you will be accustomed to drawing that body without needing the picture, in your head or otherwise.
In the event of drawing characters (especially in action) I usually act out how the character is with my own body. The important part is feeling how these emotions come out in your muscles (Do you feel tense in your jaw when you’re angry? How can you portray that in a character?) Doing these in front of the mirror can also be helpful.
Here is a good podcast episode from Sycra where he talks about “analytical versus intuitive methods for artists”:
For artists with high intuition, drawing skills may come easier to them, though they can’t really explain it. For analytical artists, we must break things down and analyze them in order to build our skills. One is not better than the other; it is simply a different way of learning. I think you would find this analytical approach helpful!
-Mod Future
from The Redline Station
Do you have anything for poses? I'm finding it super difficult right now to get poses down for my cartoon style. Thank you!
Cartoon poses are usually very loose and might not seem like they have a lot to do with “real life” drawings, but I still recommend getting started with the basics of human anatomy. Specifically, what you’re looking for is improving your Gesture Stats!
Gesture is the movement within a pose in any given drawing - it’s an evaluation of how much motion you can convey, how well the entire drawing flows, and how well it balances out against other details.
To improve gesture, I recommend drawing from life or photos of actual dynamic poses! There’s a lot of websites that help you, but the one I use most often is
It includes a huge variety of photos which you can organize based on need - dynamic, static, clothed or naked, etc… And you can also set a timer to try to practice drawing quickly in order to focus specifically on gesture instead of getting lost in the details.
- Mod Chekhov
from The Redline Station
could you maybe give me some advice or techniques or resources to help with art for people with fine motor skill impairment?
I’m sorry, but realistically that is above our ‘paygrade’ if you will. I feel like this is something that requires quite a bit of knowledge beyond what we have, specifically medical knowledge.
If any of our followers have any insight on this - personal experience, or websites that are geared to this - please let the asker know in the comments! (replies sent in as asks will not be posted)
- Mod Chekhov
from The Redline Station
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
eschergirls: Really cool tutorial about drawing (and how not to...
Really cool tutorial about drawing (and how not to draw) East Asian eyes from @_ket2 on Twitter that I thought people would find useful! I really appreciate it as an East Asian person myself, and often frustrated by some of the uniform ways we’re represented in illustrations (reposted with permission).
from The Redline Station
Monday, February 18, 2019
chatterbuck's: Compositional Tangents
The new ChatterBuck’s episode is up. Come along and have a look at the various ways of which you can do away with compositional tangents in your art!
from The Redline Station
Sunday, February 17, 2019
I have a bunch of tutorials on building/object perspective, but learning to draw backgrounds is frustrating and only leaves me hating myself and art. I have a learning disability, and it seems all typical ways of explaining how to use perspective for backgrounds isn't helpful to me... Words are just too confusing when explaining art. Is there any way you can explain background perspective in as little words / with as little math as possible? I hope that makes sense,,
Saturday, February 16, 2019
Hiya! I love this blog! So helpful! Here’s something I drew...
Hiya! I love this blog! So helpful! Here’s something I drew earlier. I’m actually pretty happy with it. But there’s a couple of things I’d like to ask about.
Clothing, folds and such. I don’t think they’re too bad here but it’s something I’ve been working on recently. And anatomy, specifically hands, and his right arm and leg, something’s not quite right there I don’t think.. Any tips you might have on drawing hands holding things would be great too! But just hands (and feet, though I like how they look here, well, his left foot anyway) in general really would be great!
Thanks in advance! And I hope I’m not being too specific or something here ^^;
(original by @violet-fire-cat)
Hey, thanks for the submission!
I really like this, it’s a great style and it reads very natural overall.
Regarding the hands, I think there are probably plenty of tutorials on this out there, but you want to start with basically thinking of the hand as a box PLUS fingers. It’s a very complex part of anatomy, so you want to draw it first as simply as possible before linearting.
The way you’ve got it now it’s basically acting as a mitten wrapping around something as a whole. But in reality, all fingers will have an individual, specialized bend to them to grip something better.
- Mod Chekhov (Ko-Fi)
from The Redline Station
Friday, February 15, 2019
Hi!! I’d love some focus on just general anatomy and...
Hi!! I’d love some focus on just general anatomy and proportion/perspective. I used a pose reference for this to try and get more familiar with how the body looks and is shaped. Love you guys!!
(submitted by @playstationstartupnoise)
Hey, that’s great that you’re using references! I have to admit - the pose and perspective you chose are quite difficult, even for artists familiar with basic anatomy! Good job in challenging yourself, though!
- Mod Chekhov
from The Redline Station
eyyy so i know the lineart is super unbalanced but?? that’s not...
eyyy so i know the lineart is super unbalanced but?? that’s not the point. i spent an hour and a half on this pose but i can’t seem to get it to look right ! you think i could get some help getting this pose to be a little more dynamic and readable? :0 thanks!
also i need help with clothes folds shhhhhh-(submitted by @arsenicdream)
Thanks for the submission! I actually don’t think the pose is too unbalanced at all. I do recommend, however, trying to be a little bit more consistent with your lineart. It’ll make your drawing look even cooler and cleaner! :)
- Mod Chekhov
from The Redline Station
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Monday, February 11, 2019
Sunday, February 10, 2019
Saturday, February 9, 2019
Monday, February 4, 2019
Hey fellas!So recently I’ve been trying to take on a more cartoon style when drawing. I’ve been...
Hey fellas! So recently I’ve been trying to take on a more cartoon style when drawing. I’ve been doing my best to do more unique shilloue...
Recently we got an inquiry about colleges for animation! This post is going to cover my (Mod Future) knowledge on the subject (which is limi...
hey everyone! We’ve received a whole load of questions about Art-style, and don’t worry - they’re being worked on, but in order to give a ...